Our new exciting fundraiser event, Wickets & Wine, was held on Saturday, June 3, 2023 at the Historic Fishburn Mansion, Mountain View, located at 714 13th Street SW in Roanoke. The suggested donation was $30/person with an optional picnic lunch and beverages available for purchase.
About the Event:
Approximately 110 participants, participated with many playing lawn croquet on the six (6) courses set up on the mansion’s front lawn.
Hosted by Friends of Mountain View, Inc. Roanoke Valley Preservation Foundation, Inc., and Roanoke City Parks & Recreation, this new and exciting fundraising event created an opportunity for you to dress in your croquet white linen shirts, pants, and dresses – with matching hats of course – to sip wine and sparkling while having a “mahvelous” time playing croquet on the lawns of Roanoke’s Historic Mountain View mansion.
As wickets dotted the freshly mowed lawn of this historic estate, on the mansion’s front porch were offered a selection of wines, champagne, sodas, and water as this venue kicked off the long days of summer. Complementing the event were lawn checkers, corn hole, and several historic automobiles lining the mansion’s circular drive.
Sponsored by:
* Event Lead Sponsor: Gentry Locke Attorneys
* Croquet Court Sponsors: Hill Studio, Black Dog Salvage, Cary Street Partners, The Grout Doctor, and
* Event Sponsors: Building Specialists, Alleghany Partners, Rob Logan and The Real Estate Group, D. David Parr, Jr. Esq, Whitney Leeson, the Grandin Theatre, Local Roots, and Pop’s Ice Cream and Soda Bar.
Best Dressed Prizes (Male and Female):
* Male (David Hill-winner) – a croquet set, picnic basket and wine will be awarded to the best dressed male contestant.
* Female (-winner) – a croquet set, picnic basket and wine awarded to the best dressed female contestant.
Raffle Ticket Prizes:
* 1st Prize – (Cynthia DeNeal-winner) – a two (2) night stay at The Stone House w/ catered dinner & drinks ,
* 2nd Prize (Jan Moncure-winner) – a $100 DRI Gift Card,
* 3rd Prize – (Angela Stiefbold-winner) – $40 Gift Card for Cabo Fish Taco in downtown Roanoke and $25 gift card for Jersey Lilly’s.
Door Prize:
* “A Night on Grandin” (Patrick Moore-winner) – two (2) movie passes to the Grandin Theatre, Dinner at Local Roots with Dessert at Pop’s Ice Cream and Soda Bar
Trivia Prize:
* “Fishburn Family and Mansion Trivia Quiz” (winner) received Macado’s Gift card.
House Tours:
Several guided tours of the beautiful Historic Fishburn “Mountain View” Mansion were offered by Fishburn House Historian Judy Harrison
Lawn Games:
* 6 Croquet courses
* Corn Hole
Rules for Croquet:

A boxed lunch was also available for purchase.
Registration of $30 per person was easily completed online by opening the QR code on the flyer above or you participants could register onsite on the day of the event.
All funds raised help support the ongoing maintenance of the Historic Mountain View mansion and grounds.